Snow Eagle Lord (2023) Ep17 - Hakim


 Genres: Romance, Wuxia, Drama, Fantasy

Dong Bo Xue Ying, also known as the Snow Eagle Lord, is a young man who was born in a land known as the Snow Eagle Territory. His father came from humble origins and eventually bought the Snow Eagle Territory. He rose to become a noble and married a woman who had fled her own aristocratic family. As Dong Bo Xue Ying grows older, he begins to realize that the peace he knew as a young man is on the verge of shattering. After his father is killed and his mother kidnapped, he resolves to free her. To make matters worse, demonic powers are amassing their forces in preparation for an assault on the Xia clan.

Dong Bo Xue Ying understands that a hero must rise to defeat the demons – and that that hero must be him! But he cannot defeat these monstrous forces on his own. Along the way, he makes friends and meets the love of his life. Together, they pool their magical powers, incredible martial arts skills, and formidable wits. Will this be enough to defeat the demon hoard – or will evil engulf the realm?

Drama: Snow Eagle Lord

Country: China

Episodes: 40

Aired: Jun 21, 2023 - Jul 14, 2023

Aired On: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Original Network: Tencent Video

Duration: 49 min.

Content Rating: 13+ - Teens 13 or older

Download Episodes:

Snow Eagle Lord E01

Snow Eagle Lord E02

Snow Eagle Lord E03

Snow Eagle Lord E04

Snow Eagle Lord E05

Snow Eagle Lord E06

Snow Eagle Lord E07

Snow Eagle Lord E08

Snow Eagle Lord E09

Snow Eagle Lord E10

Snow Eagle Lord E11

Snow Eagle Lord E11B

Snow Eagle Lord E12

Snow Eagle Lord E13

Snow Eagle Lord E13B

Snow Eagle Lord E14

Snow Eagle Lord E15

Snow Eagle Lord E16

Snow Eagle Lord E17


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